Lister Law Office is a private adoption lawyer that understands that privacy is of the utmost importance when adopting or placing a child up for adoption. We represent clients throughout South Carolina, Mount Pleasant, Summerville, Charleston, Ladson, Knightsville, and Lincolnville, SC. Lister Law Office is an adoption lawyer that ensures all the necessary adoption services and legal duties are taken care of.
What is Private Adoption?
Private adoptions, also referred to as, non-agency adoptions, are when the adoption process is done independently without the assistance of an adoption agency.
The prospective adoptive parents and birth parents can meet through private networking through the means of social media, internet, print media, friends, co-workers, relatives and community members.
Private Adoption Lawyer Duties:
- Provides legal communication with the adoption attorneys of the birth parents and adoptive parents
- Gathers background information about the prospective adoptive parents
- Obtains medical history and prenatal medical records of the birth parents
- Finds resources to get the Homestudy process started
- Prepares legal documents
To learn more from our foster care, agency, and private adoption lawyers, contact us at Lister Law Office in Mount Pleasant, SC today!